(An analysis of the times we are living in)

Truth doesn't conform to us...WE conform to IT.

If what your pope, priest or pastor teaches doesn't line up with the needn't listen to a word they say.

Just because a pope, priest or pastor says it, doesn't automatically make what they say as being equivalent with the authority of God.

There is no authority above what God has already written. Therefore, any pope, pastor or priest that falls short or goes beyond what is already written...must be discarded as the flagrant heretic they have exposed themselves as being.

Truth always divides and makes a contrast between itself and error...if it doesn't; it's not the Truth.

NEVER link up with a person, church or leader that is in obvious disobedience to the written Word. These type of folks commonly give true followers of Christ a guilt trip for not caring about "unity". AKA: "You're causing strife and division by not partaking in their false meetings that center in and around their false teachings". Strife? Maybe for them, but that's not our goal. Division? Absolutely! Why would we have any interest in adulterating the pure Truth of God's word with a group who sacrifices Truth so they won't be proven wrong? A group who distances themselves from Truth immediately exposes themselves as being intimidated by it. They're intimidated because the Truth exposes their error. So they cover their eyes, plug their ears, and pretend that portion of the Word doesn't exist. They interpret the Bible according to their tradition...instead of interpreting their tradition according to the Bible. This is why we have Catholics, Mormons, Word of Faithers and Jehovah's Witnesses. There can be no other reason...

No, our goal certainly is NOT strife and division. Our goal is to follow Christ into all Truth. If following Christ into all Truth causes strife and division for those who oppose be it. And who could be surprised? But NEVER let them blame you for the strife that THEIR disobedience has caused THEMSELVES. That's THEIR fault...not yours! They're the ones who need to adapt...not us.

And they're right: We care NOTHING for unifying ourselves with false teachers, antichrist popes and priests, wolves, false prophets/teachers, heretics and promoters of the doctrines of devils. And I don't accept the guilt trip they put on me for causing "unbliblical" division for NOT linking up with them. No, this is Biblical division; because it's a division that's based on Truth. Martin Luther caused MUCH division in the Catholic Church of the 16th century. So much so, the ripples have yet to reach the center of time and space. But it was a God-breathed division that gave freedom to masses of people (up to this day) who were under the tyranny of wolves and false prophets. Just imagine if this "division" was squelched under the guise of Catholicism's brand of "unity". If that were the case, you probably wouldn't be reading this right now...nor would you have a Bible. Just imagine if Jesus unified Himself with the Pharisees...Paul with the Greeks, Romans and Judaizers...if that were the case; Christ would've never been crucified and we certainly wouldn't have a New Testament. Not to mention, Christianity would've been swallowed alive in first century Palestine never to spread to the ends of the earth.

The only unity we are Biblically obligated to is the unity of the Spirit who indwells each and EVERY believer.( 1 Cor 12:13, 1 Cor 6:17) We are united by the Spirit. And this Spirit, is the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13). And the only Truth He leads us to, is that which can be found in scripture. If it cannot be found in scripture alone...we mustn't unify with it. And if our absolute allegiance to the Spirit of Truth, alienates us from others who claim to know God, but live in a contrary fashion: so be it. This is a requirement. There is positive division and negative division. "They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him". Titus 1:16- Those who deny Christ by their deeds must be spoken to boldly; as if by the lips of a prophet. And our ONLY speaking, is that of what the Word of God tells us.

Never trade the Truth of God for counterfeit unity. Counterfeit unity is when you put the light of Truth on the back burner, so you can have fellowship with the darkness of a lie. Sometimes division is an absolute must. We are first and foremost called to the obedience of Christ. And sometimes being right with God means being in trouble with man...and that's okay. Don't let them place their guilt trip on you, making you feel unchristian because you won't align yourself with the idolatry of heretical things. If this is the case, ALL of the early church were unchristian and hated the unity Christ called us to, because of their refusal to intermingle with Roman paganism and the Judiazers. We have paganism and the modern brand of the Judaizer running rampant in our churches today (Catholicism and Apostate Protestantism). We must speak boldly the Truth of God's Word to them. And we must not be bullied into thinking we MUST unify or die. In some cases it's better to die than to unify. If indeed we do unify with such falsehood, rest assured: we will die (eternally). The type of guilt they put on you with such statements as "God's going to judge you if you don't join us" is actually the very thing that will happen if you DO. They call evil, good and good, evil. This is the reverse psychology of Lucifer himself. Pray for discernment and don't fall for this counterfeit unity.

"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20-

Seek peace and unity if at all possible...but seek Truth at ALL costs...even if it costs you your life. Never sacrifice Truth for unity. When you do, you are attempting to marry the light with the darkness and you leaven the purity of God with the stench of utter sin. Sometimes unity MUST be forsaken in order to live in Truth. This I will never apologize for.

Do I want unity? Absolutely. How I wish this modern church we're unified to the hilt, and we could live happily ever after. But unfortunately, this isn't the case. Christ warned us of the inevitability of wolves and false prophets:

"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves". Matthew 7:15- The apostles also warned of the eminent presence of such ones until the very end of the church age: Jude 10, 2 Peter 2:12, Acts:20:29-31. This is just something we are going to have to counteract.

Don't fall for the false teaching that there is going to be an "End Times Revival" . These wolves and false prophets are using this teaching to deceive masses into forsaking Truth in exchange for large numbers of people. Just look at the largest churches, crusades and healing revivals : did they get that big because they teach the pure, unadulterated Truth of God's Word? Not hardly...they got that big because they've watered down the Truth, making it "palatable" and tolerant of sin. And where a corpse is...there will be vultures a plenty. Where a wolf is; there is bound to be a multitude of fleas feeding off of him. Be not fooled by the vultures and fleas these wolves say is proof of God's hand upon them (Behold 1.3 billion Catholics). This isn't proof of His blessing...its proof of His judgment. Behold the groups whose leaders give us the guilt trip for not linking up with them...mark them out...THESE are the true dividers and haters of Biblical unity

No, the Bible predicts an "End Times Apostasy" (2 Thessalonians 2:3). A great falling away that will be preceded by intense lawlessness and disregard for God's Word. The man of sin and lawlessness, antichrist, will not come on the scene until the pump of lawlessness is fully primed. In other words, the masses won't fall for him as easily, if they are strict adherers to God's Word. So a mass apostasy must take place FIRST as a method and means to increase delusion, deception and spiritual-seduction. Such activity is the red carpet and welcome mat for that's being laid out for the Antichrist. Take a look around...we are in the times 2 Thessalonians 2:3 warned us of NOW.

It is one minute to midnight people...

"Let no one in any way deceive you, for it (The Return of Christ) will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction". 2 Thessalonians 2:3

I'm afraid the "revival" everyone is talking about may actually be the apostasy... which is a counterfeit revival, meant to dupe people into thinking it's of God. See how millions of Protestants along with Kenneth Copeland, Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer and Rick Warren are flocking to the Pope as they swoon over every word that proceeds from his mouth. Be not deceived and pray for discernment...the mass revival of apostasy is well underway.

If there is a real, genuine revival; its going to be a revival AWAY from the mass apostasy that is running a-muck in most of our modern church.

If there is any true, Biblical revival in and among Christ's remnant church now and in the days ahead...I believe it will be an underground revival. A revival not found in the amphitheater; but in the living room. A revival not found in the megachurch; but on the picnic bench. A revival not found in the parish: but in the park-pavilion.

Yes, if we are to have any real revival in these last days, it's simply to do the exact opposite of what you see in most of our modern church setting.

Doing the opposite of error, is indeed; division. Division from error and apostasy, unto the Truth. Never allow Satan to make you feel guilty for this. He is using the leader of the Roman Church as a meat puppet to guilt millions of Protestants into his apostate-revival.

Don't be made to feel guilty because you refuse to join the apostasy. If you are persecuted for this stance: rejoice that you are counted worthy to suffer dishonor for His name and the Truth (Acts 5:41). Don't be fooled by the reverse psychology of the enemy. It's a classic bait and switch to fool you into flagrant apostasy and the blatant blaspheming of God.

"Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to SET A MAN AGAINST HIS FATHER, AND A DAUGHTER AGAINST HER MOTHER, AND A DAUGHTER-IN-LAW AGAINST HER MOTHER-IN-LAW;" Matthew 10:34-35-

"Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division." Luke 12:51-

Remember, division is not our goal. But if it comes because of be it. Stand firm in the Truth and look up; your redemption draws near. Luke 21:28-

If your church tradition is in direct violation of the written is an enemy of THE Word...Jesus Christ.

The Woman (The Vatican) has already mounted the Beast...and she is charging the doors of the Protestant church with insatiable deceitfulness and force that seeks to fornicate the Truth of God's Word with a Harlot. (Revelation 17). Be not fooled...pray for continued discernment.

If you strictly adhere to church tradition over and above what is clearly set forth in the scriptures...your church tradition is an idol...a false god...and in turn, you become an idolater. Catholics boast of how far back they can trace their roots. But if your church tradition is a violator of God's Word, it doesn't matter how far back you can trace the succession and roots of your tradition. In the case of a Catholic they can trace their roots FAR beyond that of Constantine and the Roman Empire...they can trace their roots all the way back to Genesis 3 when the serpent said to Eve..."Did God REALLY say"?

What Catholics call "Apostolic Succession" is nothing more than "Apostate Succession". The roots of this system are VERY ancient indeed...they lead all the way back to Nimrod and Satan.

So you see, antiquity isn't the equivalent of authenticity.


I don't dispute the fact that Catholics ARE indeed THE best church to unite everyone. Yes, you read that correctly. But it's a matter of asking yourself: United unto what? They are doing an exquisite job of unifying people into the apostasy Paul spoke of in 2 Thessalonians 2:3...THAT is indisputable.

"I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it". Matthew 16:18

Catholicism is a contributor to the gates of hell that Christ promised would NOT prevail against the church. Ironically, the verse this promise comes from is the verse Catholics have used to cherry-pick, bootleg, sanitize and worm their way into church history. See how their false doctrine and heresy has turned on them! Instead of becoming the positive side of this promise...they have become the negative side of this promise. The fact that they have worked tirelessly in seeking to squelch and destroy the True Church of Christ all throughout the ages, even up until today, is irrefutable proof of this. So much for Catholicism being a hell-proof organization that's built upon seems that hasn't worked out so well.

Catholicism shouldn't worry about the gates of hell prevailing against IS the gates of hell.

Catholicism has been preserved to fulfill the end times prophesy of becoming the Whore of Babylon in which the Antichrist springs...nothing more, nothing less. This is the only reason they've survived the mass pedophilia/child-sex abuse claims and blood shed that stains their stench-ridden history.

What other church organization could maintain the large numbers of adherents if it wasn't being preserved for something? We've established the fact they're for CERTAIN not scriptural or of they're preservation in the midst of pedophile priest's and the murdering of saints all throughout the ages, must be for another purpose. TO FULFILL BIBLE PROPHESY...TO BRING ABOUT THE NEW WORLD ORDER...AND TO GIVE ANTICHRIST A BOOST INTO THE PUBLIC EYE is the only purpose for its preservation. (Revelation 13, 17 and 18).

In order to fulfill Bible prophesy, somebody's gotta play the part of Judas...and the Catholic church just so happens to be the ones who have been hand-picked by God to fill the responsibility of such a role (And they're performance thus far, is stellar).

The Catholic Church is VERY Biblical...just not in a flattering way. Thus, the reason their "unity" is unbiblical and leads one headlong into hell.


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